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Information for Vermont Registrants

What are the registration requirements?

If you are convicted of any of the following crimes as outlined in VT Statutes.

How long does a sex offender have to register?

As of July 1st, 2015, registration periods for Vermont convictions are determined by the courts. For convictions prior to July 1st, 2015 please refer to the information below.

Typically, registration continues for 10 years after someone finishes their supervision with the Department of Corrections.

Lifetime registration is required for:

  • A second or subsequent conviction for a registerable sex offense.
  • A conviction of Sexual Assault or Aggravated Sexual Assault
  • Individuals that have been designated as Sexually Violent Predators

Who is posted on the VTSOR Website?

As of July 1st, 2015, website posting requirements for Vermont convictions are determined by the courts. For convictions prior to July 1st, 2015 please refer to the VT Statutes.

What information will be posted on the VTSOR website?

  • Name and any known aliases
  • Date of birth
  • General physical description (including scars, marks and tattoos)
  • Digital photograph
  • County/Town of residence
  • Date and nature of conviction
  • Name and telephone number of the local Department of Corrections (DOC) office in charge of supervising the registrant.
  • Whether or not the registrant is treatment compliant
  • Whether or not there is an outstanding warrant for the offender’s arrest
  • The reason for which the offender’s registry information is accessible on the website.
  • Whether the offender has been designated "high risk" by the Department of Corrections.**

** If the offender has not been subject to a risk assessment, a statement that the offender has not been so assessed and that such a person is presumed to be high risk, provided that the department shall permit a person subject to this subdivision to obtain a risk assessment at the person’s own expense.

Am I required to notify my neighbors and/or employer that I am required to register as a sex offender?

Inclusion on the Vermont Sex Offender Registry (VTSOR) does not automatically come with a requirement to proactively notify members of the public.  However, when any inquiry is made (such as a housing or employment application) questions of this nature should be referred to the appropriate agency with oversight.

Does the Registry put any restrictions on where I live or work?

No, however, if you are being supervised by the Department of Corrections, you must comply with those restrictions.

What are the requirements for the Vermont registry?

Registrants must inform the registry within three (3) days of any change to any of their information including: address, employment, school, if there is anyone under 18 living in the household and telephone number.

If an offender is designated as a high-risk sex offender by the Department of Corrections, that person shall report any changes of address to the VT SOR within 36 hours.

If an offender is designated by the VT Department of Corrections (DOC) as a noncompliant high-risk sex offender please refer to additional reporting requirements here.

Registrant's must also verify their information and provide a new photograph every year around the time of their birthdate.

Can I change or update my information with the local Police or Sheriffs Department or State Police barracks?

No. You must contact the VT SOR at 802-241-5400 to report any changes.